Name: Carlos "Artful C~" Thom, JR.
Age: 22 & a Half
Hometown: Brooklyn, New York
M.O.: Cool Photography, Modeling, Graphic Art, Music, Computer Games, and SNEAKERS.
Now that you know who I am, (for visuals, look left), lets skip the pleasantries & get right to business. I'll keep it light, after all this is my first post, in any case...I grow weary of all the Facebookery & MySpacery so to voice my poetic heart I turn no further than this here blogspot. What I do here some of my lil modeling pix, tell you about some of my songs i record (, for a listen), but more importantly show off my graphics. I pretty much taught myself how to use photoshop like.....2 years ago and it seems I've gotten quite adept with the art. there will be more blogs to follow about this obsession of mine but for now lets move on.
My Blogspot coming attractions......
*My Girlfriend > Yours. I'm a good look but she is most certainly my better half.......
*In all modesty, I am everyones favorite person. Here's why......
*The definitions of the terms and the differences between wack & crack: A delve into urban slang......
*So your a rapper/designer too ay??? here's the reasons why you suck.....
*Random Spring/Summer time thoughts......
Im a weirdo with a nice vocabulary, great grammer & I hate being may want to stay tuned.